This guide is designed to provide faculty members with information about the features of their classrooms and the kind of teaching and learning opportunities those features may support. The instructions provided in this guide should be seen as starting points. Therefore any additional technological and pedagogical support is available through a range of offices on campus. The Illustrated Quick Start Guide explains the functionality of classroom technology.
The guide includes most centrally-scheduled Mason classrooms. These pages are intended as an instructional supplement to the location information provided by 25Live. Laboratories, conference rooms, and other spaces that are operated by departments or programs may not be listed here; please contact your department or unit for information about these spaces.
Mason Square (Arlington)
Van Metre (ARLVM)
Hazel Hall
Fairfax Campus
Angel Cabrera Global Center (ACGC)
Aquia Hall (AQ)
Art & Design (AB)
Blue Ridge (BL)
Buchanan Hall
David King Hall (DK)
East Building (E)
Engineering Building (ENGR)
Enterprise Hall (ENT)
Exploratory Hall (EXPL)
Hanover Hall (HNOVR)
Horizon Hall (HH)
1007 | 1011 | 2009 | 2017 | 3012 | 4008 | 4016 |
1008 | 1012 | 2010 | 3001 | 3014 | 4010 | 5001 |
1009 | 1014 | 2014 | 3008 | 4000 | 4012 | 5018 |
1010 | 2008 | 2016 | 3010 | 4001 | 4014 |
Innovation Hall (IN)
103 | 132 | 136 | 204 | 208 | 222 | 317 | 328 | 338 |
105 | 133 | 137 | 205 | 209 | 223 | 319 | 330 | |
129 | 134 | 139 | 206 | 211 | 233 | 323 | 333 | |
131 | 135 | 203 | 207 | 215G | 316 | 326 | 336 |
Krug Hall (KH)
Lecture Hall (LH)
Merten Hall (MERTEN)
Music Theater Building (MTB)
Peterson Hall (PETRSN)
Planetary Hall (PLANET)
Research Hall (RSCH)
Sandbridge (SNDBGE)
Thompson Hall (T)
West Building (W)
SciTech Campus
Katherine Johnson Hall (PW_KJH)
Colgan Hall
Classroom Guide opened in 2018. It is brought to you through a collaboration of the Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning, Classroom and Lab Technologies, and Faculty Affairs & Development, under the direction of the Learning Environments Group. We are continuing to expand and update this resource. Please send all queries, kudos, suggestions, or corrections to For additional technology assistance, please see our FAQ page.
Upgrading All Classrooms to Meet Current Technology Standards and Refreshing Classroom Facilities (Furniture, Carpet, etc.)
28 classrooms have been fully upgraded to meet the latest technology standards. 18 at the Fairfax Campus, 7 at the Mason Square Campus (including one new active learning classroom), and 2 at the Science & Technology Campus.
The new active learning classroom in Van Metre Hall Room 318 is equipped with mist technology, full-room microphones, and a high-quality camera that automatically tracks the instructor. Additionally, there is a camera dedicated to capturing the students.