Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning

Faculty Writing Retreat

Write. Focus. Build Community.

Need to get started or make headway on a writing project? Would you enjoy the opportunity to meet with other George Mason faculty to discuss your writing and your current projects? Would you find it helpful to work in a small group of other dedicated writers, to discuss the goals you set for yourself as a writer, and the ways you are organizing your project(s)?

This retreat offers uninterrupted work time, a distraction-free work place, a supportive and collegial community of peers, and sessions on the habits of mind and resources that support writing productivity. Join us to connect with other faculty writers on campus, work in small groups around individual needs, and reflect on the routines that will support your success.

For more information, please visit the Faculty Writing Retreat webpage.

Co-sponsored by the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development and Writing Across the Curriculum.

NOTE: Writing retreats occur during early January (applications due in December) and late May (applications due in May).