Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning

Mason Core Inclusive Teaching Academy

Announcing the Mason Core Inclusive Teaching Academy!

Please save the date for June 8 and June 9 

In early summer, the Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning in collaboration with The Mason Core will be hosting a special two-day Inclusive Teaching Academy designed specifically to support faculty who are revising courses to meet new Mason Core outcomes–with particular focus on supporting faculty who are developing a course for the Just Societies flag.  Helping students in Core courses identify structural inequality and seek more just outcomes in each field and discipline, and converse with peers about difficult topics all pose challenges in both the design and implementation of a curriculum. 

The workshop will have options to participate on-campus (strongly recommended) or live-remote via Zoom; like our Proposal Workshop, each day’s activities will include a blend of information, guided individual work time, and collaboration and feedback from peers. We’re offering a $560 stipend for faculty (any status) who complete the two-day workshop. Coffee, snacks, and lunch will be provided for all on-campus participants. And as a special thank-you for being part of our early cohort, we will also hold a drawing for some giveaways, including books and gear to help with your teaching.  Seats are limited, so please register early to reserve your space! 

Date and Time: Thursday, June 8 and Friday, June 9, approximately 9am-4:30pm 

To join us, please register here  

Thursday Topics in the Mason Core Instructional Context:  Course proposal process review; developing more inclusive spaces in the Mason Core; positionality; assignment design; preparing for important classroom conversations; collaborative work time with colleagues 

Friday Topics in the Mason Core Instructional Context:  Facilitating important conversations in the moment; designing assignments to measure civic engagement skills; intersectionality; inclusive syllabus design; planning for longer-term course and instructional support 

Participants who complete this two-day workshop will also be enrolled in one of our course implementation communities, to provide ongoing support and collaboration throughout the launch of the new courses. 

Please reach out to Dr. Rachel Yoho ( with questions about the workshop or to Dr. Laura Poms ( with questions about the Mason Core.