Campus Champions 

Inclusive Excellence in Teaching Programming | Inclusive Teaching Credentials | First Year Five | Inclusive Teaching Consultations

Campus Champions Program 

The Stearns Center’s Campus Champions program is a group that reflects a focus on broadly inclusive teaching practices designed to support all students.  For participants, this is often the type of work that they are already doing and will be continuing to engage with and advance here at the university.   

Some participants may be newer to the inclusive teaching space and use this as an opportunity to gain knowledge and contribute to a community of practitioners invested in supporting all students’ successes at the university.    

The Campus Champions will:    

      • Gain insight about the inclusive teaching opportunities and resources across campus  
      • Connect with colleagues who are significant contributors to inclusive pedagogy and curriculum   
      • Become a part of the network of formal and informal inclusive education leaders across campus  

Campus Champions are asked to:  

      • Attend professional development workshops and focus group sessions 
      • Review resources and asynchronous learning materials 
      • Provide feedback 
      • Develop as inclusive teaching practitioners 

Participants in the Campus Champions program are also eligible for other opportunities within the Campus Champions structure, including the Campus Champions Advocacy Changemakers, the Campus Champions Buddies, and program completers will be included in the Campus Champions Alumni group. 

Nominate yourself or an emerging leader in your unit to become a Campus Champion in inclusive teaching! 

Campus Champions Advocacy Changemakers 

The Campus Champions Advocacy Changemakers program is a program within the Campus Champions programmatic umbrella.  This is an application-based program capped at 10 participants per cohort.  The Advocacy Changemakers program focuses on leadership development and implementation in the transition space between faculty engagement and institutional change leader.  Members of the current cohort and all previous Campus Champions cohorts are eligible to participate and encouraged to apply.    

The Advocacy Changemakers focus on organizational change, capacity building, and design a small authentic project focused on inclusive teaching and learning and/or curriculum.  These are projects that will develop in the program semester to impact inclusive excellence in future semesters and be integrated into the unit culture.   

The goal of this program is to develop skills in university-based organizational change and move from the space of “vocal faculty member” to “vocal faculty member and strategic institutional changemaker.”  

The Campus Champions Advocacy Changemakers focus on topics like working in the institutional framework, planning, assessment, overcoming roadblocks, practical aspects of organizational change, and more!   

This program may create useful connections with individuals working in specific areas within the participants’ units or working/consulting across the institution.   

Each participant benefits from group support at the sessions and asynchronous check-ins, as well as individual consultations for project design, showcase, and implementation.  Collaboration among participants on a project is also possible.   This is a small, highly guided program within the Campus Champions framework.    

Please contact our team (Dr. Rachel Yoho, or the Stearns Center email, to nominate yourself or another Campus Champion to participate!  

Campus Champion Buddies  

The Campus Champions Buddies is a community-building program within the Campus Champions programmatic umbrella.  The Buddies program is designed to create connections across disciplinary areas and across Champions cohorts.   

Buddies are asked to connect once per semester for networking and connection building across the Champions cohorts and interest areas.  We provide suggested discussion prompts and reminders for these meetings. 

Current and previous Campus Champions should watch their communications from the team to sign up for the Buddies program! 

Campus Champions Alumni 

All participants who complete the Campus Champions program join our alumni group.  The alumni group receives monthly update emails with individual and unit professional development opportunities, updates on the program, and potential networking opportunities. 

Previous Campus Champions who complete the program will automatically be added to the Campus Champions Alumni group!