Now’s the time to review & refresh the Blackboard skills and course tools that you’ll be using for your online teaching this semester.
Here is a list of the basic skills needed to teach most Blackboard courses:
- Post the course syllabus.
- Access the course roster.
- Create and update course content pages.
- Add announcements.
- Send email and private course mail messages.
- Create and post to discussion forums.
- Manage student assignment submissions.
- Create and add questions to quizzes.
- How to set-up and use online proctoring tools (such as Respondus LockDown Browser).
- Set-up and use the gradebook.
- Hold online office hours.
If you aren’t sure if you’ve mastered these basic skills, or if you wish to review other advanced Blackboard functions for your course, please contact Blackboard Courses Support at Mason. Please see Getting Blackboard Help (below) about how to get guidance and assistance from Courses Support through walk-in, phone, email, website or other resources.
For a helpful tips and a list of resources, download the handout “Mastering Tools and Technologies for Online Teaching“.
You’ll be spending much time in your Blackboard course this semester, so please make sure you’re comfortable with the skills needed to teach your online course!
Getting Blackboard Help
The most important skills you need to have related to tools and technology are knowing where to turn when you need help, and knowing where to send your students when they need help. It is also helpful to know where to find resources that can support your students when they are working on their own.
Where to get Blackboard Help at Mason?
Contact Courses Support (ITS Online Learning Resources)
- Email:
- Phone: 703-993-8870
- Walk-in Support: ITS Online Learning Resources, Johnson Center Room 311, The Collaborative Learning Hub (CLUB)
- Website:
Blackboard Learn Help Videos (from Blackboard):
Additional Blackboard Resources for Faculty (ITS Learning Support Services):
Blackboard Faculty Quick Start Guide
Instructional Technology Workshops (ITS)
The various workshops facilitated by ITS Online Learning Resources Team provide a basic overview or advanced knowledge of Blackboard or Kaltura. Workshops are free to all Mason faculty and staff. Blackboard workshops are offered in face-to-face, online and self-paced formats. For a full schedule of upcoming workshops and to register, please see the Mason Workshops site.