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Welcome ITL 2024 Session Presenters!
This is your one-stop destination for information about presenting at this year’s hybrid ITL conference.
Thursday, September 19, 2024 – Teaching Talk sessions will be held via Zoom
Friday, September 20, 2024 – Interactive Sessions will be held in-person in the Johnson Center
Below you will find details about:
- Registration
- Program
- On Demand Resources
- Key Dates
- General Session Information
- Session Tips
If you still have questions, check out our ITL FAQ page or email our Conference Director, Crystal Anderson,
All presenters must register for the conference. Registration is FREE! Registration in Sched gives you access to the virtual and in-person program (including room numbers!), details on your session and the ability to plan other sessions you would like to attend. You can also:
- Update your personal information so attendees can learn more about your qualifications
- Update your photo
- View session information
- See who plans to attend your session
- Send messages to registered attendees
Registration also allows you to sign up for a light breakfast, lunch and reception. You will also have access to all virtual and in-person sessions and On Demand resources.
Please see the Conference Program page for details.
On Demand presenters must upload their materials to the Open Science Framework (OSF) by August 12. OSF hosts our conference proceedings, including On Demand as well as supplemental materials from other presenters. This is a user-friendly, self-serve system. Simply visit 24 ITL at OSF, enter your personal information, and upload your materials using the following naming convention: LastName_Title. If you have more than one document, include a file number (e.g.: LastName_Title_1).
You can make changes after you upload. The OSF website includes directions on how to do so.
- August 12: Deadline to register for presenters
- August 12: Deadline to submit changes to the program
- August 12: Deadline to submit On Demand materials
- September 19: Teaching Talk Virtual Sessions
- September 20: Interactive Sessions
Room assignments (Interactive Sessions only). Room assignments will be made available at the conference check-desk outside Dewberry Hall on Friday, September 20th. All Interactive Session presenters are required to check in prior to your session to receive your room assignment and nametag.
Available technology (Interactive Sessions only). All rooms will be equipped with PowerPoint presentation capabilities (projectors, etc.) and laptop hookups as well as microphones.
Zoom links (Teaching Talk Sessions only). You will receive Zoom links for your session from your session moderator. Attendees will be able to access information for your session when they register but Zoom links will only become visible 10 minutes before the session.
Accommodations. You will be asked about necessary accommodations during registration. If there is anything else you would like us to know, please reach out to us at
Expected attendance. It is impossible for us to say exactly how many attendees you will have at your session. You can view a list of people who have added your session to their schedule in Sched, which may give you an approximate idea of what to expect.
Changes to the program. After August 12, we will not be accepting changes to the program. We also cannot accommodate changes to session times once the program is finalized. If you can no longer participate in the conference for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible. You can email the Stearns Center ( or Crystal Anderson (
Interaction Sessions. Interactive Sessions allow presenters to actively engage participants as they share a teaching strategy, innovation, curricular initiative, technique, or tool. Facilitated by 1-3 presenters, these sessions feature interaction with attendees and provide takeaways that participants can use in their own teaching practice or curricular development.
Examples of interaction include:
- Pre-planned, guided discussion on a specific topic related to the session
- An activity where participants may practice a strategy or technique
- A brief writing activity where participants reflect on a topic related to the session
- An activity where participants collaborate to answer a question or apply a strategy or technique
Teaching Talk Sessions. Teaching Talks sessions allow individuals to share an aspect of their own teaching practice in a more concise format. In 10 minutes or less, participants present a teaching strategy, innovation, technique, or tool used in your course or SoTL research based on a course. Individual Teaching Talks will be grouped together in a 50-minute Teaching Talks session around a common theme. Stearns Center staff will facilitate engagement and manage the Q&A session.
On Demand Resources. On Demand Resources allow individuals to share teaching artifacts from their courses. These teaching artifacts include assignments, in-class activities, lecture notes/slide decks, syllabi, or other supplementary teaching materials plus a statement that provides context on their use, including how it is aligned with the course’s student learning outcomes and how it relates to the student’s life beyond the course. On Demand Resources will be showcased on the Stearns Center’s website in the weeks prior to the conference and through Open Science Framework (OSF). Once uploaded, participants will be able to track engagement with their materials through download counts.